Home Improvements for Increased Quality of Life

Home Improvements For Increased quality of Life

List of 39 Home Improvements for Increased Quality of Life

“Can small home improvements actually increase my quality of life?”

Small upgrades are often put to the side because they don’t seem important. Actually, they are important, adding a bunch of small upgrades can become a HUGE upgrade on your quality of life. 

I want you all to make improvements to increase your quality of life. So I put together this awesome list of small items that can easily be incorporated into your home. I’m going to make this short and sweet because all of the good content is below. Enjoy. 

Photo by Todd Quackenbush on Unsplash

1. Motion Sensor LED Closet lights

Installing these lights in your closet is a luxury. After having one you will feel the need of installing them in every closet in your house. They make finding what to wear in the morning incredibly convenient. I used ones from HomeDepot these come in a variety of sizes.

2. Change your light Bulbs

Changing your lightbulbs might be the easiest improvement on this list. Enough light in and the right bulb makes a huge difference in rooms. The newer light bulbs also save you money on energy and last longer. 

3. Curved Shower Rod

If you have a small shower then you will understand the pain of showering in tight quarters. A curved shower rod gives you much needed extra room. Curved shower rods usually give a person 33% more room in the shower. Also, the gross wet shower curtain doesn’t stick on your skin. 

4. Slow Close Toilet Seats 

This might sound crazy but they are amazing. After installing these you will find yourself accidentally slamming toilet seat everywhere you go. 

5. Keyless Entry 

It is 2020, keys are in the past. Upgrade your home with a Pin entry lock. You don’t need one of the fancy ones that connect to your phone and the internet. Remember to rotate the codes often because you may wear down the buttons making it easy to guess the code. 

6. Magnetic Bars 

In my option Magnets are underrated. They are such a useful tool in many cases. In the garage, you can hang up tools. Magnetic bars in the kitchen can be used to hold knives. 

The Ultimate Home Life talks about Home Improvements for Increased quality of life
My parents use this magnetic strip in their kitchen

7. Silicone Oven Liner

Never clean the bottom of your oven again with a silicone oven liner. Cleaning your oven is important because it can lead to safety issues and sticky food. With a silicone oven liner, all you need to do is pull it out, wash, and replace it. 

8. Unbranded Container

Whether it’s a soap dispenser, snacks, oils, spices, and even shampoo. This makes your house more organized and looks less cluttered. 

Photo by Muradi on Unsplash

9. Water Proof Shower Speaker

Nothing gets you more amped up for the day then jamming to your favorite songs. Taking a bath or a shower should be some personal time to relax and enjoy yourself. 

10. Propagation Station

Test tubes can make for a cool way to show off your plants. Propagation is cutting a plant and placing it in water so that it can start growing roots. After you can plant and restart. 

Propagation Station in an article by The Ultimate Home Life talking about Home Improvements for Increased quality of life
My home Propagation Station

11. Automatic Dog and Cat Feeders 

This is a nice luxury so that you don’t have to worry about feeding your animals. Animals are also very routine based so this allows them to eat at the same time every day with exact portions. 

12. Candles 

Get a bunch of candles. It is hard to understand what your home smells like to others. Candles allow for some control of what your guests are smelling. 

Tip: Get candles that match the seasons!

13. Hooks 

So cheap on Amazon and HomeDepot. Put hooks up everywhere for everything. Here’s a list of things hooks are good for. 

  • Hat 
  • Measuring cups 
  • Keys 
  • Purses/bags
  • Hanging plants
  • Hold cords under desks

14. Upgrade your Mattress 

They can be expensive but having back pain all day every day can also be costly. Don’t be cheap when getting a mattress. 

15. New Sheets 

Get a fresh pair of sheets with a high thread count. 

16. WasteBaskets 

Toss a wastebasket in every room. This is convenient for you and your guests.

17. Bidet 

There is a cult-like following for bidets. People who have them swear by them and everybody who doesn’t is missing out. Bidets can now be purchases as an attachment to add to your toilet. So you have no excuse not to try one out. 

18. Whiteboard or Chalk

This is good for your office or kitchen. Will allow you to be organized for stuff like planning meals, events, or even writing notes to family.  

Photo by Dan Smedley on Unsplash

19. Exterior Lighting 

Having good lighting around your house looks good a night. Also, it makes your house look like somebody actually lives there. Kids won’t come for Halloween candy if your house is pitch black. 

20. Handheld Shower Heads 

These are way more efficient than twisting your body around to get all the soap off. Also, if you have pets you will thank me for this recommendation. 

21. Timer on Bathroom Fans

You couldn’t possibly understand until you have it. 

22. Cabinet and Drawer Liners 

Yes, no matter how hard you try gross gunk falls into every drawer and cabinet

23. Storage in Fridge 

Add some spacers or trays for the extra organization in your fridge. This is good to keep different food separate from others. 

24. LED rope lights

These can be added underneath or above cabinets, desks, furniture. They let off a nice soft glow that gives rooms an upgrade. 

25. Power strips 

Not having a place to plug-in technology is awful. You should always make it convenient for guests and yourself to find an outlet. Like it or not technology is here to stay, make your house acceptable of it. 

26. Plants 

This one you probably have heard a million times. Just put them everywhere. 

27. Mount your TV

If you do mount your TV PLEASE HIDE YOUR CABLES 

28. Shoe Storage

Having shoe storage when you enter a home helps you remember to remove your shoes. This stops dirt from being tracked all over the house. If you have carpets this will definitely help. 

Shoe mat in an article by The Ultimate Home Life talking about Home Improvements for Increased quality of life
My home shoe mat

29. Lazy Susans 

Because they never went out of style. 

30. Brush Attachment for Drill 

This is good for Cleaning hard to reach places like corners and tile. 

31. Nuts and Bolts 

Containers for your huge collection of anchors, screws, nails, bolts, nuts, hooks, etc. 

32. Quality Vacuum Robot

So you don’t have to. 

33. Dimmers for lights

You shouldn’t have your lights on bright at all times. There are just times in the day when the lights need to be dimmed down low. 

34. Outlets with USB Imports 

Because it is 2020.

35. Nightlight’s 

This is so that you don’t stub your toe at 3:00am.

36. Hard Wired Networking 

Wireless can sometimes be a huge pain. Wired Network will be much more reliable and much faster. 

37. Smart Thermostat

The new smart thermostats learn how you like your house. Also you get complete control of every rooms temperature from your phone. You can focus all the cold or hot air to one room if you would like to. 

38. Infrared Thermometer Gun

This is good for checking drafty spots in the winter, food temps on the grill and more. 

39. Remote Lighting 

If you have a living room with alot of lights I suggest getting some remote lighting. This will allow you to turn on and off all of your lamps, and lights at the same time. 

I only planned on writing a list of 10 things, but things got out of hand. Adding one or two can make your life easier. Let me know what you think of these home improvements for increased quality of life.