How do I stop my dog from barking in my apartment?

How do I stop my dog from barking in my apartment?

The pooch was always an alarm bell at my old residence. If he heard a noise outside he was the first to alert us. after moving to a busy apartment building we are trying to desensitize him to noises. No matter what we did we could never seem to get rid of that first “yip”.

Not only was he barking at loud noises he would bark when I left him alone. We think he has separation anxiety but this is not the main reason. I made a list of methods we tried that had a positive effect on our dog Murphy.

Do you ever feel like your ceiling fan is too cold for your dog I wrote an article about dogs being comfortable under ceiling fans, check it out!

Understanding why dogs barks

Dogs bark for a number of reasons. There are a million reasons why your dog may be barking. The most important thing you can do is find the reason why yours is barking.

Try to pay attention to when your dog barks. Is it when you leave the house? Is it when the garbage men come? Is it when your neighbors walk by your door?

Understanding why your dog is barking in your apartment is critical to finding a solution.

Why do dogs bark?

  • Bored
  • Lonely
  • New Environment
  • Unusal sounds
  • Another Dog Barking
  • To Much Energy
  • Seperation Anxiety

These are all common reasons why your dog may be barking.

Noisy dogs and apartment living

Having a noisy dog in an apartment can cause a lot of issues. Apartments and townhouses have only a wall separating neighbors from noise. This means sound can easily pass through the walls.

Late-night party’s, yelling, bumping into walls, and dogs barking can cause tension between neighbors.

How do I stop my neighbor’s dog from barking?

Think about leaving a note for your neighbors expressing the noise the dog causes. They might not be aware the dog is barking while they are at work. If they are aware they are probably actively trying to fix the issue.

Be kind on your first mention of the dogs barking. offer some suggestions or let them know when the dog is barking. You can say something like “Hey I just wanted to let you know your dog has been barking while you are gone. He seems to only bark when somebody walks through the hallway.”

If the issue continues then think about mention it to your apartment management to escalate the issue.

Stop barking while you’re gone.

If your dog is barking because you left it alone they are either bored or lonely. The best way to combat a bored and lonely dog is exercise. It is amazing what 30 minutes of exercise can do for a dog. This way they will be tired and worn out while you are gone for the day.

Another tip for a bored dog is mind-activating toys. This could be a toy with treats stuck inside that your dog must play with to remove the toys.

Dog Chew Toy Slow Feeder for Aggressive Chewers

SNiFFiz SmellyUFO Durable Interactive Treat Dispensing Puzzle / Enrichment Toy for Dogs – Mind Stimulating Food Game

You can also use one of these and add peanut butter to it. The dog can spend hours trying to get all the peanut butter out.

Stop barking for every noise outside.

Dogs bark when they hear unusual noises. Moving to a new apartment is a new environment with new sounds. This can be uncomfortable and scary for dogs. Allow them time to adjust to the new sounds.

Provide entertainment

Here is a list of toys that can provide entertainment for dogs while you are gone for the day.

Block the view

Creating a safe place for your dog is really important. This is why you crate train a dog when they are younger. They become comfortable in their space and feel safe there.

Consider putting your dog in your room with the door close and curtains down. This will create a nice calming area for your dog to sleep through the day. Make sure you are giving them plenty of exercise and attention before and after doing this.

Give them some exercise

Dogs need exercise, you can use this as an excuse to get some for yourself as well. Exercise can be as basic as a 30-minute walk. This can leave your dog satisfied and ready to relax for the rest of the day.

I sometimes take my dog to the baseball field and make sure all the gates are locked. Then I let him run all around the field. He gets to run full speed and he loves it.

Visit your vet

Consider asking an expert. Consulting your vet about issues you are having with your dog is important. Trust me they have heard it all. They can give you real-life tips and tricks that have worked with other dogs and may work for you.

Reassure your neighbors

If you are having issues with your neighbors because your dog is barking let them know. it could be as simple as a note mentioning the issue and letting them know you are attempting to solve the issue.

This can be reassuring for your neighbors and may prevent them from escalating the issue to management which could result in termination of your lease.

Use positive reinforcement

When your dog is being good let them know. Give them love and treats. Positive reinforcement goes a long way with dogs. If your relationship with your dog is only punishment then there is a bigger issue.

Hire a pet sitter

There are a lot of apps and resources for pet sitters if you continue to have an issue. is a really good website that can show you the top-rated pet sitters in your area. You can read real reviews to make sure you are getting a trustworthy pet sitter. is another great resource for finding pet sitters.

Use anti-stress devices or special collars

There are a lot of devices that can be used to calm dogs while you are not at home. Here are some of my favorites.