What is Single-Family Zoning And What Does It Mean?

What are single-family zoning laws

In Single-family zoning areas, only single-family homes can be built. This means that no multi-family homes can be built. Multi-family homes include duplex’s, triplex’s, condos, and townhouses.

Who decides where single-family zoning is placed?

Zoning laws are always decided by the local government. In most cases, the federal government has no say in zoning laws. While not statewide, the town and city governments are all branches of their state government.

State governments pass statutes called “enabling acts” these allow local governments to pass their own laws.

Photo by Tom Rumble on Unsplash

Where are single-family zoning laws common?

Most commonly found in suburbs, single-family zoning laws are used to keep areas from turning into cities. Although there are some cities that having single-family zoning laws. Seattle Washington has 80% of its residential housing is zoned single-family housing.

How is your city split into zones?

There is a reason why your house doesn’t have a warehouse district in the backyard. There is also a reason house aren’t built in the middle of shopping plazas. This is because of zoning laws.

Typical can be split into these different zoning areas..

  • Low density residential
  • High density residential
  • Low density commercial
  • High density commercial
  • Low density industrial
  • High density industrial

Some areas have the option to be both. For example, there can be commercial/residential buildings.

How to find zoning laws in your area

To find zoning laws you will need to contact your city, county, or town government. They keep records and plans of all the zoning. This is good to check if you are planning on using a residential house into a business. This is also good if you’re turning a business into a residential property.

It is always good to double check to be sure you are current on codes and regulations.

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