Plant Arrangements: Where to put your plants

pots, plants, cactus

The easiest way to improve any room is to add some plants. When I started arranging plants around my house results were instant. Plant Arrangements can be a calming and soothing form of decorating.

Here are 10 places you can put plants to maximize their effect.

1. On a shelf above your bed.

2. Anywhere on a ladder shelf.

3. In front of the fireplace. 

4. On the coffee table. 

5. Front door.

6. Dinner table.

7. Side table.

8. Outside lounge area. 

9. Hanging from your house.

10. Zen corner.

Arranging plants around your house can be fun. You can almost place your plants anywhere and it will look good. I am always moving my plant arrangements around. Stay tuned for more content like this.

Leave a comment, let me know if you try any of these plant arrangements!

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