Can I Throw A Fan In The Garbage

Can I Throw A Fan In The Garbage

After getting a new fan, you may wonder, “what do I do with the old fan?”

Yes, it’s possible to throw the fan in the trash. Your fans can also be recycled, refurbished, or sold. Have you ever heard the saying that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure?

What to do with a broken Fan?

The best thing to do with a broken fan is to try and fix it. Repairing fans is not that hard and can save you money. Most repairs are simple, here is a great youtube video that shows how to troubleshoot a broken fan.

If the repair needed is beyond your skill set or requires too much money then toss the fan and buy a new one.

How to throw away a ceiling fan

Start by removing the ceiling fan blades. Ceiling fans are very bulky and awkward when they have their blades attached. Removing them makes them easier to dispose of.

The next step is to remove any glass from the ceiling fan. This includes the lightbulbs and the lightbulb covers. Glass can be recycled. Make sure to read the laws of your area on recycling light bulbs. Removing the glass can stop broken glass from ending up on the road or somewhere it shouldn’t be.

Is it legal to throw a fan away?

Before placing the fan into the garbage, you should contact your local waste management company so they can verify your compliance with any laws. The laws in Florida will not be the same as those in Hawaii.

Are fans considered electronic waste?

Yes, any electric fan is considered electronic waste. Some other examples of electronic waste are TVs, microwaves, lamps, computers, appliances, home telephones, irons, etc.

Learn the proper way to dispose of these household electronics by looking up your state and federal laws.

Selling old Ceiling fans

Selling your old ceiling fan is a great way to recycle your old fan. you get a little cash back from your original purchase and the buyer gets a ceiling fan at a discounted cost.

My go-to selling markets are:

  • OfferUp
  • Craigslist
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • Old fashion garage sale

Donating Ceiling fans

If you aren’t looking to sell your fan or it needs a repair you aren’t willing to make check out your local donation spots. They have the resources to repair and give your items to people in need.

Here are some of my favorite donation spots:

  • Goodwill
  • Salvation Army
  • Faith Farm
  • Habitat for Humanity

Understand the laws in your area

Make sure to understand the laws in your area when you are disposing of electronic waste.

It is not worth getting in trouble with the law over a ceiling fan you are trying to get rid of.