Are Closet Doors Necessary For A Home?

Are closet doors necessary for a home?

No, closet doors are not necessary for a home. Actually, taking them off can be a very cool look. But, people with messy closets should keep their doors to hide the mess!

Back in college, I always kept my closet doors open. I had enough one day and removed them. This made my room feel much bigger. It was the quickest room improvement I’ve ever done.

I say who needs closet doors anymore!

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Why do people take off doors off closets?

This depends on the style of closet doors. Reasons can vary between Design, function, and space.

Fold-out doors take up a lot of space. When opened they come out almost two feet from the way. This can be an issue when next to a dresser, desk, or bed. In this case, removing the closet door would allow for more space around the closet.

Keeping your closet doors can be functional for a lot of people. This would be perfect for people who change outfits constantly. Another example, people who collect shoes can show off their collection while using it as a focal point in the room.

What can I use instead of closet doors?

You don’t need to keep your cheap closet doors. There are so many good options to choose from. Here is a list of my favorites…

Will UV light fade the clothing without doors?

UV light can cause the most damage with expensive silks and wools. I would really worry about this being an issue every day people will have. Unless you have a window inside of your walk-in closet.

Ultraviolet rays can cause fading in clothes. This happens when UV light breaks down chemical bonds in the clothing. The result is fading and damage to the color of dyed fabrics.

Personal items out in public?

Open doorways and large cabinets or closets without doors make a space seem open to the public. This could almost be seen as an invitation for browsing. Like I said at the start if your closet isn’t organized I suggest keeping it covered up.

A lot of people like their privacy and doors allow them to keep that.

Open closets a danger to babies?

Having an open closet can present a danger for babies. Clothes and shoes to pull on, there are a lot of things a baby can grab onto. It is possible to pull dangerous items down from a closet from a baby’s height.

I recommend making sure your closet is babyproofed before removing the closet doors.